On this show, my goal is to help you get the most miles for your dollars out of your car and to help you avoid getting ripped off. I love to help people understand why I recommend the preventative maintenance service that I do, how to make good decisions when having their car serviced, and what people can do to prolong the life of their car.
I’ve posted several segments of the show below.
Clean Fuel Injectors Means Better Gas Mileage!
Have you ever wondered how a fuel injector worked? David Rogers shows how clean fuel injectors can lead to a more efficient burn, meaning better gas mileage and lower emissions! (He also lights some stuff on fire) The secret to a clean fuel line is MotorVac, a system that cleans your entire system, from injectors to the catalytic converter.
- All About Windshield Wipers
- How Many Miles Before An Oil Change???
- Maintaining your suspension can mean savings at the pump!
- Get ready for fall BEFORE bad weather hits!
- New Car Thieves
- Go GREEN with your diesel with a MotorVac Diesel service!
- What to Know Before Towing A Trailer
- Introducing Flare Alert, A GREAT Tool For Your Car
- See Clearly this Spring to Stay Safe!
- Inexpensive ways to keep your clutch working longer!